Get out your cell phone, get creative and produce a videopoem!

What’s a videopoem?  It’s art that’s about expressing yourself by mixing video and poetry together.

Videopoems can be made many different ways. You can do all of it: write the poem and make the video.  Or, you can work together with friends in your age group.  Maybe you and your friends write the poem together and another person makes the video.  It doesn’t matter how many people make the videopoem as long as everyone is in the same age group (either 18-15, or 14-11, or under 11.)

Submit your videopoem on FilmFreeway (it’s free), and you could see your work screened as part of an exciting international poetry film festival!

Here are the RULES:

1) This program is open to anyone in any country age 18 and under as of July 15, 2024.

2) Your videopoem can be up to 3 minutes long; any time less than that is also OK.

3) Your videopoem can be in any language, but it must have an English translation too.

4) Use your imagination to bring the poem to life. DO NOT make a video that only shows people reading or performing the poem.

5) Include your name(s) and age at the end of the videopoem

6) Use the QR code above to submit your work to Filmfreeway

7) For your free entry on Filmfreeway use this code: Youth2025 .


1) Adults filming children.

2) Anyone over 18 being involved in any part of the videopoem process. NOTE: Adults can be shown as part of the film, but they can’t be involved in doing the filming or writing any of the poetry.