Published December 22, 2021

Selected poets will be paid $250 to collaborate with filmmakers to create a poetryfilm to be screened at REELpoetry/HoustonTX February 25, 2022

Public Poetry is collaborating with Aurora Picture Show to present an exciting new project fusing poetry with film/video called Location: Houston

Location: Houston invites greater Houston area poets and filmmakers to create original filmpoems about places and experiences specific to Houston, Texas.  (Deadline: Nov. 24, see guidelines). 

Five poets and five filmmakers will be  paired to collaborate on an original filmpoem up to 5 minutes in length.

Each  person selected  will receive a fee of $250. The filmpoems will be produced Jan. 3 – Feb. 11, 2022, and the filmpoems will premiere live at Aurora Picture Show  February 25th as part of the annual REELpoetry/HoustonTX international film festival.